SEA helps reduce road danger at TfL’s Rotherhithe Tunnel
Published 2nd April 2019
SEA, the UK’s traffic enforcement system specialist, has integrated two cutting edge traffic enforcement solutions, DTES and ROADflow, to provide a unique solution to Transport for London (TfL) to reduce road danger at the Rotherhithe Tunnel in East London.
DTES consists of a number of workstations that allow TfL operators to view live camera feeds and record video footage showing traffic contraventions, which are later reviewed and processed by a back-office system before being sent to the notice processor for Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs). Part of the solution is SEA’s ROADflow Motion, a 24/7, unattended enforcement solution that operates in all lighting conditions alongside congested scenes for complex scenarios, such as yellow box junctions.

The Rotherhithe Tunnel was built in 1908 and is not designed for modern levels of traffic. Vehicles more than 2 metres (6'6") high, 2 metres (6'6") wide or goods vehicles weighing more than 2 tonnes (maximum gross weight) are not safe to travel through it.
To manage the safe flow of traffic through Rotherhithe Tunnel and to ensure that only those vehicles that are safe to use the tunnel are doing so, ROADflow Motion and DTES have been integrated to provide a solution where contraventions are captured by ROADflow Motion at Rotherhithe Tunnel and imported into DTES.
Rotherhithe Tunnel presented SEA with a new enforcement scenario. To allow for this, bespoke software changes were made to both the existing ROADflow Motion technology and to DTES to securely import and process unattended incidents.
Steve Hill, Managing Director at SEA said
“The Rotherhithe Tunnel project is a continuation of our ongoing work with TfL to improve traffic safety in London. Fully supported by our dedicated ROADflow experts and DTES support team, the solution is an easy to use system for TfL. It allows for incidents at Rotherhithe Tunnel to be reviewed using existing methods - eliminating the need for additional training. For the traffic enforcement notice processor, the system is also straight forward and allows for efficient processing, as it uses the same interface for both attended and unattended incidents.”
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